Instructions for Installation

Saddleman seat covers literally has thousands of patterns to choose from, with vehicles going back as far as the 80s. You must be thinking, how can you possibly provide instructions for all of those different patterns? With our new installation guide you'll easily find your correct seat style and find that every seat style is available with our instructions on how to install the best custom seat covers on the market! This process was made even easier with the new adjustable installation system that Saddleman seat covers, now you can make sure the fit is to your liking on your very own custom seat cover for trucks or cars. 

saddle blanket seat covers               adjustable installation system               neoprene seat covers

While the new installation system does make things a lot easier for you, the customer, we understand that at times with certain vehicles things can get a bit tricky, for those situations we have our friendly customer service representatives that can help you with any issue you might be having, whether its a simple installation question or if your having some kind of issue with your seat covers, we're here to help!

Our friendly customer service is available at all times during the work week from 9 am to 5:30 pm EST we can be reached at 1800-883-9919, there you can find help finding which pattern is best suited for your vehicle, as well as get suggestions of fabric for your needs and an extra set of eyes on whats going to look good in your vehicle. With our help the guess work is taken out and our experienced staff will help you pick out exactly what you need. 


Get your set of Saddleman seat covers today and make sure you're covered!


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